“The Health and Life Sciences Task Force represented a newly created Task Force, specifically to address the current global healthcare challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It was chaired by Sergio Dompè and included four Co-Chairs: Werner Baumann, CEO of Bayer; Sir Mark Caufield, Chief Executive Officer of Barts Life Sciences; Geoff Martha, Chairman and CEO of Medtronic; and Leon Wang, Executive VP International and China President of AstraZeneca. The B20 Health & Life Sciences Task Force has developed a Policy Paper identified the following three Policy Recommendations to improve pandemic preparedness and retain the newfound capabilities to unleash the potential of innovation and cooperation in the healthcare.The recommendations have been designed to shape a revolutionary model for a permanent strategic dialogue between Institutions and stakeholders aimed at a shift in mindset towards valuing health as a strategic asset. Pandemic is presenting a unique opportunity to permanently adopt a more efficient and effective approach which have enabled Health and Life Sciences organizations to counter an unprecedented health and economic crisis. 92%: all topics are well-reflected in the G20 documents, mainly on science and technology, and health systems."